EU Gourmet Indian Curry 250 ml

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✔ Zero Fat
✔ Zero Hydrates
✔ Zero Sugar
✔ Zero Kcal
✔ Gluten free
✔ Original Flavor


These are our Zero EU GOURMET sauces. They are fit sauces with Zero Fat, Zero Hydrates, Zero Sugar, Zero Kcal and Gluten Free.

Zero EU GOURMET sauces are high quality sauces, where we have taken care to guarantee an unparalleled flavor. We offer you the original flavor, in the healthy version.

The EU GOURMET INDIAN CARIL sauce goes with a wide variety of dishes, giving that delicious touch of curry. If you are a fan of Indian cuisine, then this sauce is for you!

Give more color and flavor to your favorite dishes with EU Nutrition's Zero EU GOURMET sauces. Thus, being fit is easy and tasty!